To prepare for a disaster is not a bad idea. If you do not live in an earthquake zone, or an area that can be flooded, the question you ask yourself is, what is there to prepare for? Well that is what I thought, anyway not too long ago a factory caught fire about 1 mile from where I was living, toxic heavy smoke, that kept low and did not disperse so easily. Well luckily for us the wind blew it in probably the safest direction. Away from the residential area across the Rhine river towards Essen. If the wind was in our direction or no wind at all we would have had to evacuate, and practically with no warning.
Also a few years ago in this part of Germany there was ice rain which brought down many overhead power lines and many household had to be evacuated, (no electrical power, no heating) due to freezing temperatures.
But anyway I am still not prepare for a disaster, apart from a copy of my important documents stored in the cloud, and no doubt the NSA, GCHQ and the BDN have copies of them too.